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Maritim Hotel, Bonn
Enea Jahollari

Enea Jahollari


Software Engineer focused on performance, scalability, and architecture of web applications at Push-based.io I’m also a Google Developer Expert for Angular. I’ve given talks and workshops about Angular at ngIndia, AngularAustria, and NgPoland, and also internal workshops at various companies. I’m a maintainer of the RxAngular library known for bringing performance utils to your fingertips ready to be used. I’m a co-creator of the ngxtension library which tries to make it easier to use Signal primitives in Angular apps. I’ve written multiple blog posts regarding Angular performance, internals, Signals, and architecture which get a lot of daily traction. I tweet a lot about Angular’s latest news and updates in X (formerly Twitter).


  • Going deep into Signals Change Detection talk

    Angular’s internals haven’t changed a lot since Ivy. With Signals, we will get some new internals that change how Angular works under the hood when we work with Signals and Signal Components. The talk will be focused on the changes being made to support a new of creating faster Angular components.